
At RDP Newmans, we appreciate that all third sector organisations, including charities, friendly societies and other not-for-profit organisations, are driven by the desire to further social, environmental or cultural objectives, rather than by maximising profit.

Furthermore, such organisations need to comply with the rules of their regulatory bodies, as well as providing evidence to members and other stakeholders that all the organisation’s affairs are in order.

Consequently, the team at RDP Newmans provides a very specifically tailored accountancy and advisory service for charities and other not-for-profit organisations of all sizes.

Our broad range of services includes:

  • Accounts prepared in accordance with the Charities’ Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP: FRS 102)
  • Financial statements prepared in accordance with the Industrial & Provident Societies Act, as well as the Friendly Society Act
  • Audit
  • VAT advice
  • Tax advice, including gift aid issues
  • Advising on trading and commercial activities
  • Compliance with Charity Commission and OSCR requirements
  • Registration of new charities

Need to talk about services for charities?

[show-team category=’charities’ url=’active’ layout=’grid’ style=’img-circle,text-center,img-above,1-column’ display=’name,photo,position,email,website’]

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